
Design4Ministry can give you pretty much anything you could need for your ministry’s website.

Sermon Media

Upload audio and video or embed from sites like YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud. Provide sermon text and PDF file.

Sermon Organization

Organize sermons by topic, series, book of the Bible, speaker and tag.

Online Giving

In today’s technological era, many churches desire the ability for their members to tithe online.

Sermon Podcasting

Audio podcasting for sermons is included and compatible with iTunes®.

Smart Technology

Our Smart Sites are very unique. Most cities in the United States contain small neighborhoods; even certain intersections are known by different names many times. What we do with our Smart Sites is to develop a page (usually the ministries page) that is targeted to each neighborhood or major intersection in your area – these pages aren’t all the same; they’re all worded uniquely. When an individual makes a search, Google tries to find the most relevant information that is geographically close to the searcher. By having a page that is geographically targeted, Google finds that page and delivers it first. Also by targeting these small areas all over the larger city, we aren’t competing for the search terms of the larger city. Hands down, this method beats the traditional SEO practices for other websites. 

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